Martial Arts Analysis, pt. 3

Ukyou||Kunou||Kodachi||Martial Arts Analysis, page 4

Ukyou Pic

Ukyou Kuonji

Style: Own Style - Okonomiyaki Chef techniques

Strengths: Ukyou really knows how to wield that giant spatula she carries to her advantage. She can also be deadly accurate with the mini spatulas she throws. Her range is excellent with these two weapons, having shown an ability to keep an opponent at a distance and escape injury. Ukyou rarely loses focus in a fight. When she is focused on defeating an opponent, she will win.

Weaknesses: Ukyou can lose her focus, though, especially around Ranma. There are some situations where Ranma disarms Ukyou's focus or anger with a few words. Ukyou also sometimes can become angry to the point of brawling instead of fighting (this has been seen many times with Shampoo around her). Her unique style of fighting may be, when compared to the other "pure" fighting styles around her, more inferior in a fight.

Special Techniques:

Aside from a giant spatula, which she uses to bludgeon or slice opponents with. She also possesses many mini spatulas, which she employs as throwing weapons, like shuriken.

Ukyou employs these techniques:

Flour Bomb: Ukyou uses this as a smoke screen, to confuse her opponent by blinding them with a cloud of flour.

Noodle Lariat: Ukyou uses okonomiyaki noodles to bind her opponent.

Explosive Okonomiyaki Mixture: Ukyou throw a mixture of tempura flour and gunpowder at her opponent. The substance explodes on impact.

Kunou Pic


Style: Kendo/Fencing Style - House Kunou

Strengths: Kunou can be deadly with his sword if he is focused on the fight. No one is Tatewaki Kunou's equal in the art of swordplay, and Kunou uses this to his advantage. The sword, in Kunou's hands, has been known to destroy concrete walls, chop down trees, and makes cracks in stone statues. A classic, but very deadly, Samurai-like style punctuates his moves.

Weaknesses: Aside from the fact that Kunou probably can't fight too well bare-handed, he also gets distracted very easily, either by Akane or his "pig-tailed goddess". He sometimes forgets the fight altogether and begins to spout poetry, professing his love for one or both of them. He is easily fooled into being falsely charmed, especially by Ranma-chan. Kunou also has a big ego, and tends to be overconfident in the fight. His speed is also slow compared to the other fighters.

Special Techniques:

As mentioned above, Kunou wields a wooden katana or bokken, which he uses quite well. Kunou also employs a couple sword techniques:

Blue Thunder Attack: Kunou yells repeatedly and strikes many times with his sword at an opponent, almost with the speed of Ranma's "Amaguriken" technique.

Senpou-ken Whirlwind: (Anime-only) A move in which Kunou attacks a jumping opponent by swirling his bokken around pointing upwards, creating a mini-spiral that blows the opponent upward and away.

Watermelon Slice: Trained to him through hypnotic conditioning, Kunou immediately cuts in half any watermelon on sight - even if it happens to be held by someone at the time. The resulting attack usually ends up with the person bumped and bruised and the watermelon cleanly sliced down the middle.

Kodachi Pic

Kodachi Kunou

Style:Martial Rhythmic Gymnastics

Strengths: Kodachi knows the philosophy behind her style of fighting very well: anything can be used as a weapon. Kodachi has a talent for making gases, poisons, and other underhanded items, and uses these to her advantage. She has truly extended her array of weapons beyond the basic Rhythmic Gymnastics ones. Also known to be quicker among the fighters. Though some may say her psychotic nature hinders her, it can be argued that it helps her in a fight, enabling her to fight without fear of holding back.

Weaknesses: It seems that most of the females in love with Ranma get distracted by him, and Kodachi is no exception. Like her brother, she also seems a little too overconfident in her skill. Her tricks also sometimes backfire on her.

Special Techniques:

Aside from the basic weapons of Martial Rhythmic Gymnastics, which she has twisted for her own use (spiked clubs, a razor hoop, and a rope rod among them),

Kodachi employs these techniques:

Blow of 1,000 Clubs: This technique involves striking quickly with twenty or so clubs - so quickly, in fact, that it looks like only two clubs are striking at the opponent.

Black Rose Petal Exit: This is mostly for show. Kodachi twirls her ribbon, sending tons of black rose petals swirling around her opponent, and then leaves.

Black Rose Gas: Kodachi often plants paralysis or sleeping gas in a bouquet of black roses to incapacitate someone.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on April 18, 1998