Principal Kuno

Vital Statistics

Name: ? Kuno
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Headmaster From Hell
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 10
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Tatewaki Kuno

Profile: Principal Kuno is the headmaster and principal for Furinkan High. A Japanese man heavily influenced by the ways , manner, and speech of the Hawaiian Islands, he rules Furinkan High with a comedic, yet darkly annoying fist.

The Principal of Furinkan High had been previously absent from the school for the last few years because of his sabbatical in Hawaii. He returned, but not better off than he was before - in fact, it could be said that he came back even more annoying and obsessed with control than ever. His first official action as Principal was to make up a new school rule about dress code - specifically, that the males and females had to get certain types of haircuts or risk demerits. This annoyed many of the students, especially Ranma, who wanted to keep his pigtail intact. He, along with Akane and some other students, invaded the principal's literal jungle of an office to acquire the only thing that would prevent the new rule from taking effect - a coconut with a pardon to the rules inside.

After a long and drawn out fight which, among other things, involved professors in animal suits attempting to give the students haircuts, Ranma changing to a girl and disguising himself as an island wahine, and Tatewaki Kuno almost getting his head shaved, the group managed to get the coconut, but not before they found out another interesting bit of information about the Principal of Furinkan High.

This info was that the Principal was none other than the father of Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno. He not only was responsible for embarrassing Kuno by forcefully shaving his head when he was a young teenager, but also for planning in advance his plan to make trouble for the students (this being the plan to make students get horrible uniformly similar haircuts). The two were reunited after it was proved through a number of instances that showed the two were related, some of which included pictures which the two had of each other, similar experiences, and the Principal's knowledge of a Kuno family sectret cutting technique for shredding swords. Thus the two were reunited after a long passage of time, much to Kuno's disgust and disdain.

The Principal continues to make trouble for his son Tatewaki Kuno and the rest of the student body, but is normally foiled by Ranma and his friends.

Personality: The principal appears to have one of the most annoying personalities in all of Ranma 1/2. He talks, acts, and even dresses like a Hawaiian Islander and bears the grin of a man who wishes to be in total control of his students and his institution. He seems quite silly at times, but is darkly vengeful and vinditive and will attempt to get back at anyone who crosses his path or refuses to follow his rules. Though he may think he is acting in the best interest of the school, many of his rules seem to annoy the students, which seems to please the Principal very much. Persistent and sneaky in his beliefs, he focuses most of his attention on Ranma, who he feels has wronged him many times since his return to Furinkan High.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez