Madame Sainte-Paul

Vital Statistics

Name: Madame Sainte-Paul Chardin
Age: 40-50
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 15 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Madame Sainte-Paul is the mistress of the Chateau Chardin, where Picolette Chardin lives. She supervises the training of women as prospective wives into the Chardin art of Martial Arts Eating and to Picolette.

Madame Sainte-Paul was the woman put in charge of Onna-Ranma's training, and she managed to lock her into a very tight steel corset which kept Onna-Ranma from turning back into male form with hot water. In order to unlock the corset, Onna-Ranma had to win the match with Picolette.

When Onna-Ranma discovered the counter technique to martial arts eating, "gourmet de fois gras", Madame Sainte-Paul tried to teach Picolette the way to counter. This, hwoever, was to no avail in the match, as Onna-Ranma eventually won by tricking Picolette. Thus, Madame Sainte-Paul had to concede and let Onna-Ranma go.

Personality: Madame Sainte-Paul is a very strict trainer and will stop at nothing short of perfection when it comes to martial arts eating. However, she is also biased towards Picolette, who she holds a close relationship with, and also tries her best to undermine any attempts by Onna-Ranma to get out of her proposed marriage to Picolette.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez