Mikado Sanzenin

Vital Statistics

Name: Mikado Sanzenin
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy Blonde
First Appearance (Anime): Darling Charlotte
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 2
Love Interest: Any girl
Loved by: Mikado Fan club at Kolkhoz high
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: Mikado is a student at Kolkhoz High, a rival school of Furinkan High's. He is one half of the famous "Golden Pair" of martial arts skating.

Mikado got mixed up with Ranma and Akane as a result of his partner, Azusa Shiratori, taking Akane's pet pig "P-chan" (aka Ryouga) home with her and refusing to give him up to Akane. Mikado gave P-chan back to Akane, but not before he attempted to steal a kiss from her. Ranma intervened, and the two challenged Ranma and Akane to a martial arts skating match.

Ranma also has another reason to hate Mikado. While he was a girl and unable to skate, Mikado saved her from falling - and then proceeded to kiss the red-haired Onna-Ranma. Humiliated and angry, Ranma attacked Mikado in a rage after changing back and managed a draw with the martial arts skater. Naturally, Mikado was angry at Ranma as well for destroying the rink in the process.

Mikado is absolutely obsessed with kissing girls. He's bragged about kissing many girls and told Ranma before their match that he would attempt to "steal the lips of Akane Tendo", which he tried to do many times during the match. Though he and Azusa are two very different people, they work well together and gave Ranma and Akane a good match.

Personality: Mikado is, as said above, obsessed with kissing girls. He'll do anything to grab a kiss from a girl he likes, and is very aggressive in going after what he wants. As a result of his success he's slightly egotistical and thinks himself invincible. Most of the time, he's calm and collective - unfortunately his partner Azusa tends to beat on him whenever she doesn't get something she wants, which tends to make Mikado lose his normally cool demeanor and become angry.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez