Azusa Shiratori

Vital Statistics

Name: Azusa Shiratori
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy Blonde
First Appearance (Anime): Darling Charlotte
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 2
Love Interest: Anything Cute
Loved by: Azusa Fan club at Kolkhoz high
Rivals/Opponents: Akane

Profile: Azusa is a student at Kolkhoz High, a rival school of Furinkan High's. She is one half of the famous "Golden Pair" of martial arts skating.

Azusa happened to get invovled with Akane when she stole P-chan, Akane's pet, and tried to make him her own (calling him "Charlotte", much to his chagrin). Akane later found out about the theft and attempted to take P-chan back from Azusa. Azusa refused, and even though P-chan was shortly returned to Akane, she challenged Akane to a martial arts skating match

Azusa, like her partner Mikado, works very well with her partner as the "Golden Pair", but also, like him, has an obsession. Azusa has an obsession for cute things. Whenever she finds something cute about something, (no matter who owns it) she takes it home and names it. This has probably happened at the most inopportune times, from the "dramatic tension" of the challenge thrown out to Ranma and Akane to the actual match.

Personality: As said above, Azusa is obsessed with cute things and has no regard for the situation or who owns them as long as she gets what she wants. She seems "over-cute" in a lot of ways, and tends to throw tantrums and beat up Mikado if she doesn't get what she wants. Though somewhat spoiled and childish, she still has a fan following at Kolkhoz High and is for the most part able to focus on the match at hand.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez