Mariko Konjo

Vital Statistics

Name: Mariko Konjo
Age: 16
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
First Appearance (Anime): None yet in US
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 21 (Japanese)
Love Interest: Kuno
Loved by: Kuno (?)
Rivals/Opponents: Akane, Onna-Ranma

Profile: Mariko is a cheerleader from a rival school of Furinkan High's. She is the team captain of the cheerleading team and usually cheers at her school's volleyball games.

When Mariko's school played Furinkan High's girls volleyball team, Mariko and her cheerleading companions helped the other team win by throwing their cheerleading materials (batons, pom pons, etc.) at the Furinkan Team, knocking them all out except for Akane, who is saved from being knocked out by Onna-Ranma, who happened to be passing by.

Akane cries later on, over losing the game because of Mariko's actions, and Onna-Ranma tries to comfort her without much success. Kunou tries to do the same, only to be hit away and into the air by an angry Akane, who had been hugged by Kunou from behind.

Meanwhile, Mariko and her fellow cheerleaders are walking home when the flying Kunou just happens to land right on top of her. Kunou hands her a band-aid, apologizes, and leaves. Mariko, however, after seeing Kunou immediately falls in love with him. Later on when Kunou is chasing Onna-Ranma as usual, Mariko notices this and immediately challenges Onna-Ranma, who she calls "Kunou's girlfriend", to a match of martial arts cheerleading, whcih Onna-Ranma gladly accepts in order to get even with her for what she did to Akane.

The match's rules, as set by Mariko are as follows - the one who can prove that they love Kunou more is the one who can win the match. Various tactics were used by both participants, including love letters and pictures thrown by both Mariko and Onna-Ranma, as well as declarations of undying love on both sides. Eventually during the match, the outcome of the Mariko/Onna-Ranma matchup turns into something which depends on a fight between Kunou and a masked kendoist who turns out to be Akane. The match ends in a draw with both Kunou and Akane knocked out.

Personality: Mariko is in love with Kunou and will try anything in order to get him. She believes Onna-Ranma is currently invovled with Mariko and is looking to steal him away from her. A very versatile fighter with her cheerleading tools, she is willing to work hard to achieve her goals and wills top at nothing to succeed in them.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez