
Vital Statistics

Name: Lin-Lin (or Ling-Ling in Viz version)
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Purple
First Appearance (Anime): Da Doo Ling-Ling, Lung-Lung
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Shampoo

Profile: Lin-Lin, along with her sister Ran-Ran, are part of the same Amazonian tribe that Shampoo comes from. Though not related by blood, the two of them still consider Shampoo their "sister" by tribal bond.

Bored with the meager and trivial challenge of male warriors in China, Lin-Lin and Ran-Ran followed Shampoo's footsteps to Japan, where they finally found and confronted Shampoo about the conflict between her and Onna-Ranma (as said before, an outsider who gets the Kiss of Death from a Chinese Amazon is promised to be dead at the hands of said Amazon - Shampoo had not accomplished this). At this time, the two were unaware of the situation and Ranma's unique physiology, and Shampoo was forced to lie her way out of the situation.

However, later on Lin-Lin and Ran-Ran ran into the female Ranma outside the Tendo dojo, and Shampoo was forced to protect her when the two immediately attacked the pigtailed martial artist. Lin-Lin and Ran-Ran then disowned an emotionally distraught and torn Shampoo, challenging her to a duel.

Shampoo showed up at the appointed time for the duel, and though she held her own for quite some time, was unable to defeat the two. It was only when Onna-Ranma herself showed up at the scene and beat them (revealing his dual identity in the process) that the two sisters honorably backed off of the situation and forgave Shampoo.

Personality: Lin-Lin, like her sister Ran-Ran, is a skilled and fierce fighter. Her diminuative size belies her skill and her fighter's edge, and she is able to defeat many larger and mroe difficult enemies. She adheres to the Chinese Amazon history and rules very strictly, and is quick to punish those who break that sacred code.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez