
Vital Statistics

Name: Kurumi
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Akane and Her Sisters
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Akane

Profile: Kurumi, along with her sister Natsume, is an orphaned girl who wanders Japan searching for her and Natsume's long lost father.

It so happened that in their childhood, Kurumi and Natsume encountered Happosai, who was also traveling through Japan. Posing as their long-lost father, Happosai encouraged Kurumi and her sister to train in the Anything-Goes style of martial arts, with a promise to give them their own dojo to run when they were strong enough.

When Kurumi and her sister showed up in Nerima, they were found by Akane, whose family promptly offered them to stay at the dojo. It was also during this time that Kurumi and Akane had a practice match, which Kurumi won handily.

When Kurumi and her sister found out that the Tendo dojo was the dojo signed over to them by Happosai (who was posing as Soun at the time), they fought Akane and Onna-Ranma for control of the dojo. Hurt by defeat, Akane left in tears, leaving Kurumi with a sense of regret over their fight.

It was only later on after a session of intense training that Akane was able to come back to the dojo and hold her own against Kurumi in a one-on-one fight. Eventually, in a rematch, Akane and Onna-Ranma defeated Kurumi and Natsume, and the two left to retrain themselves.

Personality: Kurumi, the younger of Akane's supposed sisters, is a sweet girl with a taste for eating - she will eat most anything, even Akane's cooking, if it will satisfy her hunger. It was her thieving of the local restaurants in the Nerima ward which eventually led Kurumi and Natsume to the Tendo dojo and their destiny involving Soun, Akane, and Onna-Ranma. Kurumi is more sympathetic than her sister and perhaps has a more lenient attitude in general in terms of fighting.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez