
Vital Statistics

Name: Katsunishiki
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 30 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ryouga

Profile: Katsunishiki is a particular sumo pig raised by Akari Unryuu especially for the sumo pig sport. He is also Akari's bodyguard and the best sumo pig to have been raised and come out of the Unryuu family.

Katsunishiki had had a particular stipulation attached to him concerning Akari, just before Akari's grandfather died. The stipulation was that the man who was able to easily defeat Katsunishiki in combat would be the one worthy of being Akari's husband. Both Akari and Katsunishiki agreed to this.

It is Katsunishiki who is later seen having beat up many of the males attending Furinkan High, in an attempt to test their strength and also to try and find a personal match for Akari. Eventually, the one to (nonchalantly) defeat the huge sumo pig in combat was none other than Ryouga Hibiki. As an afterthought or annoyance, Ryouga had beaten up Katsunishiki because he had attacked Ryouga while he was in the middle of a fight with Ranma. This caused Akari to fall in love with Ryouga and for Katsunishiki to accept Ryouga as the ideal match for Akari. katsunishiki's defeat at the hands of Ryouga sets the stage for the eventual conflict in the later stories over who Ryouga thinks he should love - Akane or Akari.

Personality: Katsunishiki does not seem to show off much of a personality. However, he is faithful to Akari and is approving of the relationship that appears to be growing between her and Ryouga.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez