Akari Unryuu

Akari's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Akari Unryuu
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of Yet
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 30
Love Interest: Ryouga
Loved by: Ryouga
Rivals/Opponents: No one

Profile: Akari Unryuu comes from a long line of trainers who raise and train pigs for sumo-type fighting. Akari loves pigs, and their potential strength as warriors. A favorite of hers turned out to be one of the best "sumo-pigs" in the country - Katsunishiki. It was even said by her father that only a man who could defeat Katsunishiki in battle was worthy of becoming Akari's husband.

When Akari first saw Ryoga Hibiki, she fell in love with him. This love got even stronger as Ryoga happened to defeat Katsunishiki in battle, and of course, when Akari found out that Ryoga turns into a little black pig. This made Akari see Ryoga as the perfect match for her because of these qualities. Thus, Akari pursues Ryoga, who isn't really sure who he loves for real - Akane or Akari.

Personality: Akari seems to be a very sweet girl. She is of course, very determined, and is trying to get Ryoga as a husband. Patient and kind, she loves Ryoga despite knowing about his curse, and is very understanding of Ryoga's stumbling in the ways of the heart.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez