Kasumi Tendo

Kasumi's dossier pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Kasumi Tendo (or Tendou)
Age: 19
Eyes: Grayish-green
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 1
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 1
Love Interest: No one
Loved by: Dr. Tofu
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Kasumi Tendo is the eldest daughter of Soun Tendo and the elder sister of both Nabiki and Akane. After the Tendos' mother's untimely death, Kasumi probably felt a responsibility to take over the household duties. Having mastered her skill at cooking and the other duties of a housewife at a young age, she supposedly took over the household affairs of the Tendo family after graduating from high school.

As mentioned above, Kasumi appears to have attained a high skill in cooking many different types of food, and the Tendo household depends on her to feed them as well as keep house.

In terms of love, Kasumi is probably looking (if she really is looking) for an older man. What she doesn't realize is that she has that in Dr. Tofu, whom she sees often. Somehow, she can't seem to realize that he loves her....

Kasumi approaches everything that happens in the Tendo dojo with an optimism that can't be shaken easily. Usually when she is surprised about something she basically tries to deal with it as best she can. Some would call her optimism ignorance or obliviousness as well, as she seems to ont take heed at very many serious and potentially dangerous situations.

Personality: Kasumi is a very sweet, very optimistic girl when it comes to all situations. She can sometimes be oblivious to certain things, but by no means is she "out of it" as much. as some may make her out to be. Seemingly incapable of anger or any negative feelings, she seems to have a way of being nice to everyone. Definitely one of the more calmer members of the Tendo dojo in crisis situations.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez