
Vital Statistics

Name: Herb
Age: 16
Eyes: Black
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 24 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma,

Profile: Herb is the leader of the remaining suvivors of the Musk Dynasty, a warrior-like Empire who used to mate with women who were originally animals they had defeated and then thrown into Nyannichuan, the Spring of Drowned Girl. herb happens to have dragon blood in him as a result. Now only himself and his two associates, Mint and Lime, are the only ones left.

Herb, Lime and Mint all came to Japan to find a certain treasure. This treasure was called the Kaisufuu, a magically charged amount of water that reverses the effect of the Chisuitton, another magical batch of water that keeps Jusenkyo-cursed individuals in their cursed states. This magical water had gotten on Herb, in an accident. This accident involved Herb throwing a monkey into Nyannichuan in order to understand females better (since in modern times the Musk dynasty does not mate with animals thrown into Nyannichuan, but with strong female martial artists - Herb had no knowledge of women). The transformed monkey (now a woman) had kicked Herb into Nyannichuan (since Herb seemed to be distracted by the new woman's breasts, which he had never seen before), and then tossed the Chisuitton water on him while he was distracted by his (now her) own chest. This locked Herb into a female state, and now he (she), Mint, and Lime looked for the cure.

Ranma happened to get into a scuffle with Herb since Herb had treated Akane a little roughly at the Cat Cafe. After a short altercation, Herb manages to splash the Chisuitton water on Ranma while he's in female form, locking Ranma in her cursed state. Ranma resolves to go after the Musk Dynasty survivors and beat them to the Kaisufuu, with help from Ryouga and Mousse, who feign friendship to Ranma but who really want to get the Chisuitton to lock themselves in their non-cursed forms, thus curing them - as well as get rid of Ranma, their rival.

The Musk Dynasty, with Ranma and company in hot pursuit, manage to find the Kaisufuu, and along the way Ryouga and Mousse are locked into their cursed forms. Eventually everyone arrives at the site of the Kaisufuu, and even though Ryouga and Mousse are able to walk into the Kaisufuu spring and restore their forms, Herb manages to walk into it too, turning into his real male form, much mroe powerful then his female form. An epic fight between Ranma and Herb ensues, and even though in the middle of it Ranma is able to resume his male form through the Kaisufuu, Herb is almost able to defeat Ranma in the ensuing grudge match, even reversing Ranma's famous Hiryu Shoten Ha move and using it against him. However, in the end, Ranma is able to barely defeat Herb, and even saves him when the mountain with the Kaisufuu on it almost collapses on him. herb is left to go back to China, wondering why Ranma saved him...

Personality: Herb is somewhat arrogant, and very confident of his abilities, especailly in male form, where he is much mroe powerful than in his female form. He has a knowledge of many Chinese martial arts, as proven by his awareness of the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and is not afraid to use them against his enemies. Herb has a mean streak in which he shows no mercy to his enemies, and carries the "tough" image that comes from having dragon blood in him.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez