C_Script Information
Winnuke Size: 1,668 WinNuke represents a new generation of Windows platform DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. Exploits a hole in Win95/NT3.51/4 via Port 139. Causes a machine to lock/crash and forces the user to reboot.
Winnuke Size: 1,708 modified for Windows (05/13/97) By _wfx
Chaos Size: 6,485 Chaos.c - This program draws the "chaotic attractor"
Cloak Size: 1,640 Cloak.c - Totally wipes all presence of you on a UNIX system
Flash Size: 5,226 Flash.c - Quickly mess up a user's terminal
Fspscan Size: 20,480 fspscan.c - Hack of fver to find valid ports on a FSP server
Ftpbug Size: 424 Ftpbug.c - Exploit the bug in wuftp
Identdsp Size: 6,062 identsp.c - Program to spoof Identd
ip_masq Size: 30,402 ip_masq.c - IP_MASQUERADE
Linsniff Size: 5,187 Linsniff.c - LinSniffer 0.03 [BETA]
MCB Size: 24,249 Mcb.c - Multi-Collide Bot v2.0 (beta)
mflash Size: 1,916 mflash.c - Mail Flash
Nuke Size: 5,570 nuke.c - nuke.c version 1.0, must be root to open raw sockets. This version will kill almost any ip connection.
Shadow Size: 2,235 Shadow.c - This source will/should print out SHADOWPW passwd files.
Sm869 Size: 1,815 SM869.C - Sendmail 8.6.9 identd hack.
Solsniff Size: 19,638 solsniff.c - solsniffer.c - v1.10
Splitvt Size: 1,114 Splitvt.c - For Linux 2-3.X, Exploitation Result: Local users can obtain superuser privelages
Spoof Size: 9,767 Spoof.c - Unix login spoof
Sunsniff Size: 12,544 SunSniff.c - Sun Sniffer
Syn-Flood Size: 5,159 Synflood.c - The Infamous Syn-Flood.C
Unshad Size: 222 Unshad.c - Unshadows Passwords
Zap Size: 1,997 Zap.c - Will Fill the Wtmp and Utmp Entries corresponding to the entered Username. It also Zeros out the last login data for the specific user, fingering that user will show 'Never Logged In'
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