Debug Output

The debug output facility is just one of several facilities of debug logging available with Microsoft® DirectShow™. This facility is monolithic (that is, it is either on or off). For information about the facility with the most precise control enabling and disabling logging, see Debug Logging by Module Level. For information about the simplest facility, see Debug NOTE (Message) Macros.

For more information about how DbgOutString chooses the debug output location, see Debug Output Location. DbgInitialise opens the debug output location and DbgTerminate closes it.
Name Description
DbgOutString Sends a debug string to the debug output location.


Outputs the given string to the debug output location.

void WINAPI DbgOutString(

Pointer to a string to be output.

DbgOutString is ignored unless DEBUG is defined when the Microsoft DirectShow headers are included. That is, it is a function in a debug build, and a macro that does nothing in other builds.

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