CCritSec Class

CCritSec class hierarchy

The critical section object provides intraprocess synchronization. The current implementation uses the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interfaces (APIs) that use the CRITICAL_SECTION type.

The safest way to use CCritSec objects is to lock them with a CAutoLock object that guarantees to unlock the object when it goes out of scope and compiles to efficient inline code.

Member Functions
Name Description
CCritSec Constructs a CCritSec object.
Lock Locks the critical section object.
Unlock Unlocks the critical section object.


CCritSec Class

Constructs a CCritSec object.

CCritSec( );

Return Values

No return value.


Calls the Microsoft® Win32® InitializeCriticalSection function to set the private critical section member variable. The destructor calls the Win32 DeleteCriticalSection function.


CCritSec Class

Locks the critical section object.

void Lock( );

Return Values

No return value.


This member function locks the critical section object. You can make multiple lock calls on the same thread, but the CCritSec::Unlock member function must be called a corresponding number of times before the object is unlocked. If the object is locked by another thread, the CCritSec::Lock member function blocks until either the object is released or a "possible deadlock" exception occurs.


CCritSec Class

Releases the lock on the object acquired by calling the CCritSec::Lock member function.

void Unlock( );

Return Values

No return value.


You must call the CCritSec::Unlock member function once for each call to Lock.

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