CBaseDispatch Class

CBaseDispatch class hierarchy

The CBaseDispatch class is a base class that implements the IDispatch interface for use in a dual interface. A dual interface provides Automation and custom interface access to an interface.

CMediaControl and CMediaPosition (and other dual-interface support classes) are derived from this class or have members that are instances of this class.

For more information about the IDispatch methods, see the COM documentation included with the Microsoft® Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).

Member Functions
Name Description
CBaseDispatch Constructs a CBaseDispatch object.

Implemented IDispatch Methods
Name Description
GetIDsOfNames Maps a single member function and an optional set of parameters to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers, which can be used upon subsequent calls to the IDispatch::Invoke method.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves a type-information object, which can retrieve the type information for an interface.
GetTypeInfoCount Retrieves the number of type-information interfaces provided by an object.


CBaseDispatch Class

Constructs a CBaseDispatch object.

CBaseDispatch( );

Return Values

No return value.


CBaseDispatch Class

Maps a single member function and an optional set of parameters to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers, which can be used upon subsequent calls to the IDispatch::Invoke method.

  REFIID riid,
  OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
  UINT cNames,
  LCID lcid,
  DISPID * rgdispid

Reference identifier. Reserved for future use. Must be NULL.
Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
Count of the names to be mapped.
Local context in which to interpret the names.
Caller-allocated array, each element of which contains an identifier that corresponds to one of the names passed in the rgszNames parameter. The first element represents the member name; the subsequent elements represent each of the member's parameters.
Return Values

Returns one of the following values.
Value Meaning
S_OK Success.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.
DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME One or more of the names were not known. The returned DISPIDs contain DISPID_UNKNOWN for each entry that corresponds to an unknown name.
DISP_E_UNKNOWN_CLSID The class identifier was not recognized.


CBaseDispatch Class

Retrieves a type-information object, which can retrieve the type information about an interface.

HRESULT GetTypeInfo(
  UINT itinfo,
  LCID lcid,
  ITypeInfo ** pptinfo

Type information to return. Pass zero to retrieve type information for the IDispatch implementation.
Local identifier for the type information. An object can return different type information for different languages. This capability is important for classes that support localized member names. For classes that do not support localized member names, ignore this parameter.
Pointer to the type-information object requested.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.


CBaseDispatch Class

Retrieves the number of type-information interfaces provided by an object.

HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount(
  UINT * pctinfo

Pointer to the location that receives the number of type-information interfaces that the object provides. If the object provides type information, this number is 1; otherwise, the number is 0.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value.

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