IBasicAudio Object

The IBasicAudio object supports the audio component of the filter graph. It allows access to volume and balance functionality.

The Volume property is a value between –10,000 and 0 representing a set of linear steps. Not all devices support 10,000 distinguishable steps.

The Balance property is a value between –10,000 and 10,000. A value of –10,000 indicates that the right speaker has been disabled and only the left speaker is receiving an audio signal. A value of 0 indicates that both speakers are receiving equivalent audio signals. A value of 10,000 indicates that the left speaker has been disabled and only the right speaker is receiving an audio signal.

Name Description
Balance Sets or returns the balance for the audio signal.
Volume Sets or returns the volume (amplitude) of the audio signal.

Balance Property (IBasicAudio Object)

IBasicAudio Object

Sets or returns the balance of the audio channel.

objAudio.Balance [= lValue ]

Object expression that evaluates to an IBasicAudio object.
New value for the Balance property.

The Balance property is a value between –10,000 and 10,000. A value of –10,000 indicates that the right speaker has been disabled and only the left speaker is receiving an audio signal. A value of 0 indicates that both speakers are receiving equivalent audio signals. A value of 10,000 indicates that the left speaker has been disabled and only the right speaker is receiving an audio signal.

Note that not all devices support 10,000 distinguishable steps.

If you try to set the Balance property to values outside this range, the IBasicAudio object raises run-time error 5.

Volume Property (IBasicAudio Object)

IBasicAudio Object

Sets or returns the volume of the audio channel.

objAudio.Volume [= lValue]

Object expression that evaluates to an IBasicAudio object.
New value for the Volume property.

The allowable input range is –10,000 to 0.

Full volume is 0; –10,000 is silence. The scale is linear. Values outside this range will return run-time error 5.

Note that not all devices support 10,000 distinguishable steps.

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