Control Methods

The ActiveMovie Control supports the following methods.
Method Description
AboutBox Displays version and copyright information about the ActiveMovie Control.
IsSoundCardEnabled Determines whether the computer's sound card is enabled.
Pause Suspends a play operation without changing the current position.
Run Starts a multimedia stream from the specified starting position or continues playing a paused stream.
Stop Stops playback and resets the position as indicated by the AutoRewind and SelectionStart properties.

The ActiveMovie Control also supports several methods that are common to other controls: Drag, Move, SetFocus, ShowWhatsThis, and ZOrder. For information about these methods, see documentation for Visual Basic.

AboutBox Method

Control Methods

Displays version and copyright information about the ActiveMovie Control.


IsSoundCardEnabled Method

Control Methods

Determines whether the computer's sound card is enabled.

object.IsSoundCardEnabled [ = { True | False } ]


The IsSoundCardEnabled method determines whether the computer has one or more sound cards enabled.

Run-time access: read. Design-time access: read.

Setting Description
True Sound card is enabled.
False No sound cards are enabled.

Data Type


Pause Method

Control Methods

Suspends a play operation without changing the current position.



The Pause method pauses the multimedia stream at the current position. To continue playing the multimedia stream, use the Run method.

To stop the multimedia stream, use the Stop method.

Run Method

Control Methods

Starts a multimedia stream from the specified starting position or continues playing a paused stream.



The Run method starts the multimedia stream at the starting position specified by the SelectionStart property. In the absence of other user or application input, the Run method continues playing the stream to the position specified by the SelectionEnd property.

The Run method is also used to resume playing a paused multimedia stream.

To pause playing, call the Pause method. To stop playing, call the Stop method.

Stop Method

Control Methods

Stops playback and resets the position as indicated by the AutoRewind and SelectionStart properties.



The Stop method changes the CurrentState property.

When the Stop method halts a play operation, you can reset the current position to the starting point for the multimedia stream, as indicated by the SelectionStart property. The AutoRewind property determines whether the position is reset to this starting position.

To halt a play operation without changing the current position, use the Pause method.

See Also

Run Method

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