Stage 3: Customize the Active Setup wizard and components installation title

You can customize how Setup appears to your users. You can change the title bar and the graphic that appears when users run the Setup wizard. If you provide a group of customized components, you can assign a name to them.

Customize the Active Setup wizard
Active Setup wizard title bar text
This text appears in the title bar of the Setup wizard your users run. This text does not appear in the title bar of the customized browser. You can customize the browser title later in the IEAK wizard.

Active Setup wizard bitmap path
This bitmap appears in the Setup wizard. The dimensions must be 120-by-239 pixels. For more information, see Creating Customized Graphics.

Custom components install section
Custom components installation title
You can install custom components when you install the customized browser. If you have specified more than one custom component, you can name them as a group—for example, Volcano Coffee Company Inventory Programs. This name will appear in the Active Setup wizard when your users install their custom packages. Enter the title you want to appear.