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> Issue 13







Classic Atari images 3


Tip of the day


Results of our Spot the hard drive competition


The Hots for the HOTZ


Atari XL PC bridge


Singin' in the rain


MAME of the Game





Best Rev. 10 catalogue






Photo of Matthew (Editor)Welcome to the November 2001 issue of MyAtari magazine. For many, thirteen is an unlucky number... but not for us! After recovering from our hangovers as a result of the MyAtari birthday party last month, the MyAtari team once again bring you another cracking issue.

This month we shall be bringing you (among other things) the third installment of our Classic Atari images series, an exclusive in-depth interview with Roger Burrows of Anodyne Software, the results of our Spot the hard drive competition and a review of the Best Electronics catalogue as well as all the latest scene news and gossip.

I am also pleased to announce that our advertising campaign has gotten off to a flying start. I have received a number of reports that MyAtari banners have been spotted on quite a few Atari sites. Well done everyone and keep up the good work!

This month we have two new banners for you to your site (should you wish).

Read all the latest Atari scene news at MyAtari magazine!

Join the discussions on the MyAtari forum!

On a more disappointing note, following requests for article contributions in the previous two issues of MyAtari, I am sorry to say that we have only received a handful of offers! Come on, don't you want MyAtari magazine to see 2002?

Finally, If you are yet to discover our exciting new forum, you're really missing out! There are currently discussions about where to buy a Atari clothing, how to network ST's, where to get new Jaguar games and hardware, ST emulation and a great deal more... Check it out and get involved ;-)


Matthew Bacon, Editor


Photo of Shiuming LaiAfter 21 months of sitting on its own cardboard
box, my computer room's audio amplifier is to get its own, specially-built stand. Right from the beginning I wanted to use a slab of marble but it never happened. Ironically, I recently discovered a small local shop that sells marble and granite.

Instead, I bought a laminated wooden board which, when cut in half, gave me two ideally dimensioned panels to make a sandwich enclosure. Using wood allows me to fit castors, so I can easily slide the assembly out for maintenance, something that becomes a high priority when you realise how much time you waste just trying to get access to things you want to work on.

Photo of Shiuming's efforts

At the moment the design includes a central beam to strengthen the frame. To add mass for damping, I'll probably fill the spaces with bricks or cement. Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who participated in promoting our first birthday last month, that was just one simple way of helping the magazine grow and prosper for everyone to enjoy.

I'm glad to say people are starting to respond to our invitation to contribute. This whole magazine exists by the generosity and talent of enthusiasts just like yourself. If you've got questions about contributing, drop me a message. Your input is very welcome. Now get stuck into the great articles your fellow readers have been writing while MyAtari was migrated to a more powerful server this month.


Shiuming Lai, Features & Technical Editor


It has been brought to our attention that due to a rogue JPEG file, some readers have been experiencing slow browser redraws. If you find that your browser takes ages to redraw MyAtari articles, we recommend that you delete the file bg.jpg from the image directory. This only effects issues nine through twelve.

MyAtari magazine - Feature #1, November 2001

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