"Mankind is born free,
and everywhere he is in chains."
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Social Contract, 1762

"Give me liberty or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry
Speech to the Virginia Convention, March 1775

It has been little more than a Decade since our Esteemed Brothers in America newly forged a Nation out of the Tyranny of British Colonial Rule. Similarly, the People of France are now in the Midst of their Struggle to liberate themselves from the Shackles of an Indifferent Monarchy. And the Blacks of Saint Domingue have razed the Prison of their Slavery and declared themselves Free.

It is in the Glorious Tradition of these Revolutionary Fighters that we, The Brothers of Liberty, pursue a Revolution in own Beleaguered Country. We call upon all our Oppressed Countrymen to throw off their Chains and fight for the Cause of the Rights of Man. Men were not born to be Slaves, and the Might of Kings can produce no Right. Rise up and Follow us.

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us -
that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
-Thomas Paine

The American Crisis, December 1776

Please, Kindred Souls, peruse our Web Site and see if you are not swayed by the Justice of our Cause.