Designed to facilitate interchange among the Brothers of Liberty

Meeting Tonight: Tonight's topic, "What Danton Would Do?" Join Jacques Bertin, an intimate of the great revolutionary, Citizen Danton, at the Tavern of the Black Horse tonight at 10 o'clock in the evening. Monsieur Bertin is newly arrived from Paris with the latest news from the revolution and advice for the promotion of our cause.

Announcing the opening of a new political club at 19 Schlussstrasse in the style of the Club Breton and the Club Cordeliers, one of the most radical political societies in Paris, and of the Caucus Club in Boston, which was the originator of the Sons of Liberty.

The governor of Saint Domingue, the Honorable Léger-Félicité Sonthonax, will address the Cap Francais chapter of Les Amis des Noirs on the subject of property rights. Citizen Sonthonax will discuss his famous contention that property in Saint Domingue "must belong to the blacks" because "they have earned it with the sweat of their brow."

For sale: First edition of the English philosopher John Locke's Two Treatises of Government, published in 1690, bound in finest calfskin. Well-read, somewhat dog-eared, and missing page 31, but otherwise in good shape. Contact Johannes Braun for further information.

Attention Johannes Braun: Have ext. copy of Common Sense by American Thomas Paine, 1st pub. in 1776, gd. cond. Care to swap? Will take hard cash for rare copies of Circular Letter by James Otis and Samuel Adams (1768) and John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (pub. 1767-1768). If int. in any of these books, pls. contact Anton Kosciusko at the lodging house of Frau Wolf in Kohlrübestraße.