
Episode #18: "Party at the Motel SiXXX"
Note: This is Part 1 of a special 2 part episode

Although Steve fully intended that his rendezvous with Cathie remain secret, a secret was never more poorly kept. C*E*A staff members outside Cathie's office door had overheard everything Steve said, so they all knew the time and place it was to happen. Within minutes after Steve left C*E*A headquarters, the information was all over the World Wide Web. By 5 p.m., 9 websites had been launched by Francesca's trial followers and Flesh Possessed fans around the world devoted completely to the "secret" meeting to take place at 9 p.m. that very night.
The Motel SiXXX owner had never seen anything like it before in the 23 years he had been running the place. Within two hours, he went from 5 rooms booked to all 85 units booked for the night, but no one would tell him why they wanted rooms all of a sudden.
Cathie called Steve on his cel phone and told him that she had rented her own room at the motel, and requested that he meet her there instead. Steve, thrilled that she had agreed to meet him, eagerly accepted the offer.
C*E*A staffers Elbogz, Hobo, MightySam, and BikerBob pitched in to share a room, as did Sneena, Jo, Venus, and Gumdrops. Wally rented his own room, as did PoisonIvy, Shades, and Bluelight. Parties and barbecues near the pool started up. People from off the street wandered over to see what was going on and then joined in the festivities. C*E*A chat room regulars Darien, Serena, Shades, and Sponge got their own rooms and invited their friends. MommyAnn not only invited her friends, but their kids and parents as well.
Hippiechick and Troll started up a game of Spin the Bottle which turned into a strip Twister game and finally into a full blown orgy once the keg was drained dry. Phantom was seen sneaking into Jo's room, while Rhinolunchbox and MommyAnn were seen tiptoeing into Spider and Satalite's room giggling hysterically. Wally and MightySam hung out by the soda and ice machines trying to pick up various girls who wandered by throughout the evening, with little success.
Chaos broke out in the swimming pool when two girls removed their tops, and soon everyone in the pool was naked! The motel manager was too busy selling rooms to notice.
By 8:30 p.m. it seemed like one huge party had taken over the motel. All the room doors were wide open, and people ran in and out of any room they pleased. Beer and wine were available for free everywhere.
Standing in the middle of the motel buildings by the pool, Sneena, using a portable amplified bullhorn, asked everyone to be quiet as she was going to make an announcement.
"Okay, everyone, PLEASE!" she yelled. After about 30 seconds, everyone stopped partying and focused on Sneena.
"The 'guest of honor' will be arriving soon! Will everyone please go inside your rooms and hold down the noise until I give you the signal to come out! At that time, the guest of honor will be waiting to say hi to everyone in room 277. At that time the party will recommence and you can wander around like you have been. But for now, PLEASE go inside your rooms and wait for my signal! Thank you!"
Everyone crammed into the rooms and shut their doors just as Steve's limo pulled up. He got out and told the driver to leave until he called for him 'probably tomorrow afternoon some time, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more'.
Looking around the motel from the very spot Sneena had just made her announcement from, Steve's attention was drawn to Cathie's voice, calling from just outside an upstairs room.
"Oh Steeeeevieee!!" called Cathie sweetly, "Up here in 277!". Steve smiled.
"I'll be right there, love!" answered Steve.

To be continued!