mailto URLs: Linking to other Web pages and resources
menu lists. See lists
modems: Using images
Edit Frames: Adding frames to your Web page
Edit HTML Source: Using Edit HTML Source mode
Edit Page: Using Edit Page mode
Preview Page: Using Preview Page mode
monitor sizes: Deciding what to include in your Web page
monospace font: Using paragraph styles

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See also frames; lists
frames: Adding frames to your Web page
lists: Creating a nested list
Netscape Navigator: Previewing your Web page in a browser
normal links, default color: Changing the color of links
number style: Using paragraph styles | Changing the number style in a numbered list
numbered lists. See lists

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object editors
See also toolbars
Anchor Object Editor: Changing an anchor name
described: Using object and link editors
for form elements: Adding form elements to your Web page
Frame List Editor: Using the Frame Object Editors
Frame Object Editor: Using the Frame Object Editors
Horizontal Rule Object Editor: Using horizontal rules to separate text
Image Map Editor: Creating a server-side image map
Image Object Editor: Using the Image Object Editor | Creating a server-side image map
Link Editor: Using object and link editors | Linking to pages within your Web site
Table Object Editor: Using the Table Object Editor
HTML files: Working in a Claris Home Page document
images: Adding an image | Adding QuickTime movies and plug-in data files
libraries: Using a library
order forms. See forms
ordered lists. See lists
Outdent option: Aligning elements | Creating a nested list

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See also characters
aligning: Using paragraph styles
creating: Typing text
formatting: Using paragraph styles
spacing: Adding text to your Web page | Typing text
styles: Using paragraph styles
for remote servers: Uploading Web pages to a remote server
form elements for: Adding form elements to your Web page
saving FTP passwords: Uploading Web pages to a remote server | Downloading Web pages from a remote server
pasting elements: Cutting, copying, and pasting
pathnames: Organizing your files | Setting extra HTML preferences
physical character styles: Using character styles
PICT files. See images; libraries
pictures. See images; libraries
planning Web sites: Deciding what to include in your Web page | Designing the structure of your Web site | Moving Web site files into a single folder
plug-in data files, adding: Adding QuickTime movies and plug-in data files
pop-up menus. See forms
See also document options
converting GIF files: Specifying where converted image files are stored
converting image files: Creating an interlaced image
default browser: Changing the default browser
default mode: Using Edit Page mode
filenames: Saving your Web page
HTML: Using Edit HTML Source mode | Setting extra HTML preferences
interlaced GIF files: Creating an interlaced image
opening files: Starting Claris Home Page
saving files: Saving your Web page
storing image files: Specifying where converted image files are stored
toolbars: Using the toolbars
preformatted text: Using paragraph styles
See also testing
background images: Setting the color and background of your Web page
baseline text alignment: Changing the alignment of elements in a table
frame documents: Adding frames to your Web page
in a browser: Previewing your Web page in a browser
in Preview Page mode: Using Preview Page mode
number styles: Creating a list
special characters: Adding special characters
printing Web pages: Printing your Web page

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questionnaires. See forms
QuickTime movies, adding: Adding QuickTime movies and plug-in data files
quotations, formatting: Using paragraph styles

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