Rollout User-Interface Control Types

There are 17 types of user-interface controls you can choose from to construct your rollout. The user-interface control types are:

The following script will display all of the user-interface types in the Utilities panel:


utility ui_items "ui items"


bitmap a1 bitmap:(bitmap 50 50)

button a2 "button"

checkbox a3 "checkbox"

checkbutton a4 "checkbutton"

colorpicker a5 "colorpicker: "

combobox a6 "combobox:" items:#("1/2", "1/4", "1/8") height:5

dropdownlist a7 "dropdownlist:" items:#("1/2", "1/4", "1/8")

edittext a8 "edittext: "

label a9 "label"

listbox a10 "listbox: " items:#("1/2", "1/4", "1/8") height:3

mapbutton a11 "mapButton"

materialbutton a12 "materialbutton"

pickbutton a13 "pickbutton"

progressbar a14

radiobuttons a15 "radiobuttons: " labels:#("lbl 1", "lbl 2", "lbl 3")

spinner a16 "spinner: "

slider a17 "slider: "

timer a18


The resulting Utilities panel rollout will appear as:

Utilities rollout showing all user-interface items