Angle UI element

Topic: version 4 MAXScript Language Improvements /User Interface

Angle <name> [caption] [color:<color>] [degrees:<float>] [bitmap:<bitmap>]      [diameter:<float>] [StartDegrees:<integer>] [StartRadians:<integer>] [dir:<#cw|#ccw>] [range:<point3>]


<Angle>.color    color    default:(color 0 0 255)

Angle fill in color. Setting the color turns off the Bitmap fill.

<Angle>.bitmap    Bitmap    default:undefined    

Angle fill in Bitmap. Setting the Bitmap turns off the color fill.

<Angle>.diameter    Integer    default:64

The full diameter of the control, .width and .height are synonymous to this.

<Angle>.degrees    Float    default:0.0

Current angle in degrees.

<Angle>.radians    Float    default:0.0

Current angle in radians.






on <Angle> changed <arg> do <expr>

Called when the angle is being changed. <arg> is the current degrees value.

The Angle UI element:


rollout test " Angle Test"


Angle ang2 "Angle" diameter:40 align:#center range:[-180,180,45] startdegrees:270 dir:#cw


createdialog test 200 100

See also