Using the Modify Panel

After adding objects to your scene from the Create panel, you move to the Modify panel to change an object's original creation parameters and to apply modifiers. Modifiers are the basic tools for reshaping objects.

Note: You can float or dismiss the command panels by right-clicking just above them. The default setting is to display the Command panel docked at the right of your screen. If it is not displayed or you want to change its location and docking or floating status, right-click in a blank area on the tab panel, and choose from the shortcut menu.

To use the Modify panel:

  1. Select an object in your scene.

  2. Click Modify to display the Modify panel.

    The name of the object appears at the top of the Modify panel, and fields change to match this object.

    A Parameters rollout is at the bottom of the panel. This is where you change creation parameters for an object. As you change them, the object updates in the viewport.

The Modify panel stays in view until you dismiss it by clicking the tab of another command panel. The panel updates to show whatever options and controls are available for the currently selected object or modifier.

Applying Modifiers

With the Modify panel open for a selected object, do one of the following:

The Parameters rollout now shows the settings for the modifier. As you change these settings, the object updates in the viewport.

Using Modifiers

Once you've applied modifiers to an object, you can use the Modifier Stack to find a particular modifier, change its parameters, edit its sequence in the modifier stack, copy its settings to another object, or delete it entirely.

See Modifier Types Defined for an overview of available modifiers, and see the documentation on specific modifiers for details and parameters. You can find a complete alphabetical list of modifiers in List of Available Modifiers.

General Rules

You can generally do the following:

Note: Some modifiers can be applied only to certain object types.

How Modifiers Differ from Transforms

Modifiers are applied in object space and transforms in world space, but they differ in more ways than which space they are applied in. They also differ in how they affect an object and the order in which they are applied to an object.


Modifiers are operations that act on the internal structure of an object in object space. For example, when you apply a modifier such as Twist to a mesh object, the position of each vertex of the object is changed in object space to produce the twist effect.

Modifiers operate at the sub-object level and are dependent on the internal structure of the object when the modifier is applied.

Modifiers have the following properties. They are:


Transforms are the most basic of 3D manipulations. Unlike modifiers, transforms are independent of an object's internal structure; they act directly on the object's local coordinate system. An object can carry any number of modifiers, but only one set of transforms.

The local coordinate system of an object can be expressed as a matrix of values that specify the following information in world space:

The matrix is called the transformation matrix and its information relates directly to the transforms Move, Rotate, and Scale. These transforms represent addition and multiplication of the values in the transformation matrix.

Transforms have the following properties. They are:

Most transforms produce equal displacement along one or more axes of an object, or part of an object. For Move, Rotate, and Uniform Scale transforms, the displacement is equal along all three axes. When you rotate a box, all sides remain parallel. In general, all vertices keep the same relative position to one another. The exceptions are Squash and Non-Uniform Scale, which displace axes by different amounts.