Name Quake 3 Arena
Description Finally.. the most awaited game of the year is out for distribution. Put on your gear, make sure you have your Hardware right and blast into Quad power.
Path \arcade\q3arena\Q3Ademo.exe
Size 46.6MB
Category Demo
Name NBA 2000
Description NBA inside drive has it all sewn up, you get all the NBA Teams, all the arenas, all (at least most) of the players, and authentic playbooks. The full game comes with player trading options, one on one games, coaching options and full season play, including the 2000 all star game. The demo allows you to play a single game between the New York Knicks and the San Antonio Spurs.
Path \arcade\Nba2000\NBA2000.exe
Size 21.2 MB
Category Demo
Name Wild Wild West
Description The gameplay segment combines the use of strategy and action to outwit the bad guys who have ambushed West as he tries to leave Mr. Street's tavern (formerly Surratt House). The level of difficulty chosen for Action (in the Options Screen) will determine how many bad guys ambush you, how accurately they can shoot, and how aggressively they pursue you.
Path \arcade\wwwest\westsml.EXE
Size 48.6MB
Category Demo
Name Directx 7
Description These drivers are necessary for playing all the games located on the CHIP CD.
Path \Arcade\directx7\dx70eng.exe
Size 6.164MB
Category Freeware
Name Expert Pool
Description Here you may play one of a fixed set of tournaments with a selection of rulesets and tournament formats, in a variety of high-class venues. The opponents in professional tournaments are significantly more skilled than those you will find in the Arcade and Friendly Tournament modes.
Path \Arcade\ExpertPool\Setup.exe
Size 34.7MB
Category Demo
Name Tachyon
Description Tachyon is a sit and spin space combat game where you have to battle against all odds to overpower the enemy fleet. Hurry or the enemy ships overpower your fleet.
Path \Arcade\TACHYON\setup.exe
Size 59.2 MB
Category Demo