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If you are interested in our products and would like to become one of our
resellers, please complete this form and send it back to us. You will be contacted by the responsible person from our group.

We guarantee that information you decide to give us is only for ABBYY internal use and will be kept strictly confidential.

Registration form for resellers

Legal Business Name
Business Trade Name
Business Address:
ZIP or Postal Code
Business Phone
Business Fax
Business Web-Site Address
Contact Name
E-mail Address
Date Business Established
Please, describe your companyÆs geographic coverage area. Indicate if you have any representative offices
Which category best describes your business? Check all that apply:
Distributor  Dealer  Internet Shop
Direct Marketer Computer Superstore Mail Order Company
VAR Service bureau Software Developer
Other (Please specify)  
What kind of clients does your customer base consist of (in per cent)
% Resellers % Retailers % Corporate Users
% Home Users % Other (Please specify)
What were your companyÆs total gross sales last year? Check one:
Less than 0.5 million $ 1.0 û 5.0 million $ 10 -25 million $
0.5 û1.0 million $ 5.0 û 10.0 million more than 25 million $
What was the percentage of total revenue from each of the following areas:
% Software % Hardware
% Service % Application development
% Integration % Training
Other (Please specify)
How many people does your company employ? Check one:
1-5 6-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 101+
Do you have:
an appointed person for PR and Advertising or use an agency
Contact Name
E-mail Address
List your top five suppliers:
What ABBYY products are of your interest? Check all that apply:
Desktop OCR Products Form Processing Products
Software Developer Toolkits (SDK) OEM Products
What is your first-year estimation for:
a) Desktop OCR products sales (number of boxes)
b) Form processing products sales (number of projects, size of each project)
c) Sales of products created with SDK (number of run-time licenses)
d) OEM products sales (number of devices/components your company is going to supply bundled with our products)
How did you hear about ABBYY&Products?
Publication Internet
Trade Show Customer Referral
Other (Please specify)
Additional Information
Please add any extra information you believe is important but not requested for earlier in this form
I verify that the above information is true and complete.
Name/Title /Date



About ABBYY © 1996-2000 ABBYY Software House
Tel: +7 095 234-44-00,
Fax: +7 095 956-47-87