Frequently asked questions

Q: Do you plan on adding support for other than NVidia chipsets as well?
A: Not at this time, but perhaps in the future.

Q: Are there any plans for adding supportfor Windows 95/98/ME or NT4?
A: No. (see also next question)

Q: Do you know anything similar for Windows 95/98/ME?
A: Win 9x users have reported that HzTool works great for them.
HzTool can be found here:

Q: Can you change the program so I can enter custom refresh rates instead of preset values?
A: No. All the refresh rates in NVRefFix are reported by the graphics subsystem. Making the program accept custom values requires drastic changes to the code.

Q: After I've used your program, my TV-Out gets disabled. Why?
A: This is a known problem and my best guess is that the TV-Out for some odd reason needs the 60Hz option to be present in the registry. The way NVRefFix works, is that it removes the lower refresh rates thus forcing the system to use higher values. Apparently the TV-Out doesn't 'like' that. I'm looking for a reasonable solution to that issue.

Q: The program says it can't find my video card although I have NVidia chip for sure.
A: Make sure you are using the correct drivers: Almost all such problems are driver-related, so the first thing to do is to make sure you have the correct drivers installed and they are functioning properly. See also Troubleshooting and how to report errors.

Q: I've set the refresh rates and rebooted, but when running games, the monitor still runs at 60Hz. WTF?
A: Make sure you've set the refresh rates for ALL color depths and all resolutions. If the problem still persist, there's not much I can do to help you. For DirectX games you can override the default 60Hz refresh rate with DXDIAG utility: go to the More Help tab and click on Override button.

For Quake III Arena and games based on that engine, you can enter the r_displayrefresh 75 command from the console followed by vid_restart.

For Unreal Tournament you can change the RefreshRate setting in the UnrealTournament.ini to a higher value.

Windows 2000/XP NVidia Refresh Rate Fix Copyright ⌐ 2000, 2001 Sten Uusvali