Troubleshooting and known limitations

Here are a few instructions in case something goes wrong. If you report an error or a bug, please include the program log with your report.

You can access the log by pressing Alt+L anywhere within the program.

• The program fails to detect your setup:
If you are sure you have a NVidia based display adapter with the latest drivers installed, then the first thing to do is to verify that your chipset is listed in the supported device list. To do that, click on the "Supported devices..." button. If your display adapter was not listed in the supported device list, try updating the list. The master list will be updated as new drivers and chipsets become available, most likely within a few days after the release. Otherwise, if your display adapter was listed but the program still fails detecting it, please restart the program, do the detection again and send me the program log. See above how to access the log.

• The program suddenly crashes and/or displays an error message:
Report the author the error message and, if possible, a step-by-step description about how to reproduce the error.

• The display goes blank, or displays garbage after you have applied your changes and restarted Windows:

IMPORTANT! Make sure you memorize the steps described below if you don't know how to act in such situations. It is also strongly recommended that you let the program to save the backup. You can safely overwrite your old backup file, when prompted so.
  1. Restart Windows and boot to safe mode. For more information about how to boot to safe mode, see your Windows 2000 or XP manuals.

  2. The simplest way is to reinstall your display adapter drivers. If you for some reason can't do that, then you'll have to use the backup settings file to restore your configuration. The backup settings file will be created by the program automatically, unless you explicitly specified not to save the backup. In such case, you will have to reinstall the display adapter drivers.

    By default, your settings will be saved to a file named NVRFX-Backup-XXXX.reg where XXXX represents the driver version.

    To import the backup settings, open Windows Explorer, browse to the backup file, and double-click on it to import the settings. By default, the backup file is in the same folder as the program, unless you specified another location.

    Answer Yes to the question about adding information to the registry.

  3. Restart Windows again and boot normally. Your settings should now have been restored. If the display still goes blank or displays garbage, you will have to reinstall your display adapter drivers. The latest NVidia drivers can be downloaded from

Known limitations

• This program can be run only under Windows XP and Windows 2000.

• You need sufficient privileges to modify registry settings. Administrators and some advanced users have this privilege. The default users and powerusers do not have this privilege by default.

• Only display adapters with NVidia chipsets are supported.

• Multimonitor setups: currently, only the primary monitor will be detected and used to report supported refresh rate ranges.

• Systems with more than one display adapter: totally untested. Advises and test results are highly appreciated.

Windows 2000/XP NVidia Refresh Rate Fix Copyright ⌐ 2000, 2001 Sten Uusvali