Determining Network Connectivity Strategies

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Determining Network Connectivity Strategies

Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server has several new features that network administrators can use to enhance their new or existing network infrastructures. This chapter includes information about network connectivity issues, address allocation, TCP/IP, and other protocol issues. This information will help you determine the best network connectivity strategy for your organization.

To get the most from reading this chapter, some knowledge of Microsoft® Windows NT® and Windows NT networking is helpful. You also need to be familiar with fundamental and advanced networking concepts, such as TCP/IP addressing, routing protocols, and remote access.

In This Chapter

Network Connectivity Overview

External Connectivity Within an Organization

Windows 2000 TCP/IP

IP Routing Infrastructure

Windows 2000 DHCP

Windows 2000 Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Quality of Service

Planning Task List for Networking Strategies

Chapter Goals

This chapter will help you develop the following planning documents:

Related Information in the Resource Kit

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