Preparing Your Network Infrastructure for Windows 2000

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Network Infrastructure Preparation Task List

Table 6.1 outlines the recommended tasks you need to complete to prepare your existing network infrastructure for Windows 2000.

Table 6.1 Planning Task List for Infrastructure Preparation

Task Chapter section
Create a hardware and software inventory. Hardware and Software Inventory
Confirm that all hardware conforms to the HCL and is appropriate for your deployment plans, and determine a specific hardware upgrade plan for each computer. Hardware and Software Inventory
Document server and client network configurations. Document your infrastructure servers. Network Infrastructure
Document the details of your network configuration—your name resolution services, IP addressing, WAN link details, and physical layout. Network Infrastructure
Create a physical and logical diagram of your network. Network Infrastructure
Document the configuration of your member servers. File, Print, and Web Servers
Identify all critical applications and check them for Windows 2000 compatibility. Line-of-Business Applications
Document your domain structure and administrative model, including trust relationships, primary domain controller and backup domain controller locations, and DNS namespaces. Domain Services Architecture
Document your network security details. Security
Stabilize your network. Preliminary Steps
Review network protocols. Preliminary Steps
Prepare your physical infrastructure. Preparing Your Physical Infrastructure
Review network devices for Windows 2000 compatibility. Preparing Your Physical Infrastructure
Prepare your infrastructure servers. Preparing Your Infrastructure
Upgrade your domain controllers. Preparing Your Domain Controllers

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