Determining Windows 2000 Storage Management Strategies

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Indexing Service

Microsoft Indexing Service makes it easier for users to search for data on client computers and servers. Indexing Service scans files on Windows 2000 servers and client computers and builds content and property indexes that dramatically improve search capability and performance. When the service is running, users can search for words and phrases in thousands of files in just a few seconds.

Indexing Service has the following features:

When Indexing Service is running on a system, it monitors the server for file modification. When files are modified, they are opened and their contents indexed. Opening files is done by a low priority background process so that general server performance is minimally impacted. In addition, when running on NTFS, Indexing Service uses a number of NTFS advanced features to minimize overall system overhead.



When you first run the service, it must build its indexes from scratch. This involves scanning all the files on the volume. Initial index construction accesses the disk heavily until the indexes have been built. After the indexes have been generated, only incremental updates are needed as files are modified, so further updates are virtually unnoticeable. In all cases, index update is a low priority task and will pause if server resources are needed for other operations.

To search for documents, users just need to select Search for Files and Folders in Windows Explorer or from the Start menu. This brings up a search form allowing users to enter the words for their search. If Indexing Service is running on a file server, users can search network shares efficiently because the search is executed on the server and only the search results are returned across the network.

Integration with Windows 2000 Components

Indexing Service is integrated with many other Windows 2000 components for performance and reliability. The service also uses NTFS features such as bulk ACL processing for much faster security checks before returning search results. It also uses NTFS sparse files to optimize indexes without consuming extra disk space. The service uses the NTFS change log to monitor the volume for file modifications. In this way, the service does not scan the entire volume repeatedly for changes like many other search engines. Instead, when a file is modified, only that particular file is scanned and indexed.

Indexing Service also understands that files can be migrated by Remote Storage. It does not forcibly recall files to index them. It does not rescan if a file has been migrated to secondary storage. This means that even if files have been migrated to tape, users can still search for them. This is ideal if you use Remote Storage to maintain an archival store for documents.

Indexing Service can be switched into a read-only mode. This allows the administrator to back up the indexes. When in read-only mode, the service continues to execute queries but does not update the indexes. The indexes are guaranteed to be consistent and stable so a valid backup can be made. After backing up, you can restore the service to normal operations, and any modifications made to files during the backup are processed normally.

Finally, the full-text indexing engine used by Windows 2000 is compatible with full-text indexing features of Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0. By using the distributed query processor in SQL Server, you can specify queries using structured query language (SQL) and execute them simultaneously against the file system and a database.

Considerations for Using Indexing Service in Your Storage Strategy

Consider the following advantages of using indexing as part of your storage planning:

Consider implementing Indexing Service if any of the following conditions exist in your organization:

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