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VS_Center()          Centers a string


  VS_Center() allows you to center a string within a given width.
  VS_Center() can be used either with screen or printer output.


  n_Pos = VS_Center( c_String [, n_Width] )


  c_String is the character expression to be centered.

  n_Width is an optional numeric value of the desired width to
  center c_String within.  If omitted, 80 is assumed.


  n_Pos is a numeric value representing the position to print
  c_String at.



  c_Temp = "This string will be centered on line ten"
  @ 10,VS_Center(c_Temp) SAY c_Temp


  VS_Center() comes in handy when you want to put text on the screen at
  exactly the center of a line.  VS_Center() frees you from having to
  determine the proper amount of spaces yourself.

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson