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VS_Ask2()            Asks the user a multi-line question


  VS_Ask2() prompts the user with a multiple line question and will
  return a one character response which can be limited to specific


  c_Answer = VS_Ask2( ac_Question, n_Elements, c_Title, c_FootNote,
  c_KeyList, [n_Row], [n_Col] )


  ac_Question is an array of character values containing each line
  to be displayed to the user.  Each element of this array is a line of
  text in the VS_Ask2() box.

  n_Elements is a numeric value respresenting the number of elements
  in ac_Question.

  c_Title is a text string to be displayed at the top of the window
  (offset to the left).

  c_Footnote is a text string to be displayed at the bottom of the
  window  (centered).

  c_KeyList is a character expression containing the list of
  acceptable characters that the user can respond with.  The first
  character in the list is used as the default answer.

  n_Row is an optional numeric value representing the top row of the

  n_Col is an optional numeric value representing the left column of
  the window.


  c_Answer is a character expression of the key the user pressed.


  VS_Ask2() is non-screen destructive.


  ac_msg[1] = "This is line one"
  ac_msg[2] = "This is line two"
  ac_msg[3] = "Which do you like best"
  c_memvar = VS_ASK2(ac_msg,3,"","","123")
  ? "You selected line number " + c_memvar


  VS_ASK2() is of benefit when it becomes neccessary to ask the user a
  question of quite some length.  i.e. "WARNING: Proceeding with this
  operation will completely erase all data files.  Please be sure you
  have made sufficient backups.  Are you sure you want to continue?"

See Also: VS_ASK() VS_MSG() VS_WIND()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson