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VS_Msg()             Displays a message in a window


  VS_Msg() displays a message in a window.


  VS_Msg( ac_Text, n_Elements, c_Title, c_FootNote, [n_Top], [n_Left] )


  ac_Text is an array of character expressions each representing a
  line of text to display in the window.

  n_Elements is a numeric value representing the number of elements
  in ac_Text to display.

  c_Title is a character expression to be displayed at the top of
  the window (offset to the left)

  c_FootNote is a character expression to be displayed at the bottom
  of the window (centered)

  n_Top is an optional numeric value for the top row of the window.

  n_Left is an optional numeric value for the left column of the


  VS_Msg() always returns NIL



  ac_msg[1] = "This is line number one."
  ac_msg[2] = "This is line number two."


  VS_Msg() is most commonly used to display a message while the program
  is busy doing something else.  i.e.packing a database, printing a
  report, etc.

See Also: VS_GrabScr() VS_PutScr() VS_DropScr() VS_Wind()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson