ScanWizard - End dialog

This is the final dialog, where you can either make the OnDemand Scanner start scanning or exit and scan later.

If the Scan now box is checked when you click the Finished button, F-Prot will immediately begin scanning for viruses. If the Scan later box is checked when you click the Finished button, the wizard will shut down but F-Prot will not begin scanning immediately.  The new profile configurations are saved and can be selected later. Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes. Click here to take one step back in ScanWizard. When you have finished creating your profile you click this button and the wizard will close. Clicking here will take you back to the 'Normal scan' Topic

You can move the mouse cursor over every area of the above picture to get an explanation of its functions.
Most buttons can be explored further by clicking on them.

  Advanced mode ScanWizard   I  ScanWizard, overview  I  Start dialog   
  Selecting drives   I  Selecting a folder   I  Select File(s)   I  How to scan   I  Action to take