
Listing of Calgary Internet Providers.
Unix Links
Search Engines
Nerd's Nook: computer resources galore
Check out the Weather in Calgary
Science: Cold Fusion
Skeptic's Corner (including UFO stuff)
Some Interesting Sites
My favorite quotations
Reference Materals
Computer Gaming Resources
Check out the Calgary Freenet. Telnet to Calgary Freenet
RESUME of Michael Fullerton

Internet Search Engines

DejaNews (Usenet Archives). Instead of posting a question, search for the answer.
Alta Vista
Excite Netsearch
WWWW -- The World Wide Web Worm
The Internet Sleuth is a collection of over 450 searchable indexes and databases covering a wide variety of subjects.


"Cold Fusion"

Cold Fusion Technology Homepage
John Logajan's Home Page
CF Newsgroup searchable archive
CF Bibliography (keyword searchable)
Cold Fusion Times
Infinite Energy Magazine


Discovery Canada
Comet Hale-Bopp
Images of Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet

Skeptic's Corner

Q: What's the difference between a lunatic and a skeptic?

A: A lunatic is convinced that 2 + 2 = 5.  A skeptic knows 2 + 2 = 4, 
   but it bothers him.

"Doubt everything or believe everything: these are two equally convenient
 strategies. With either we dispense with the need for reflection."
                                                        -- Henri Poincare

"I am too much of a skeptic to deny the possibility of anything". 
Skeptopathy defined.
Stephen Downes : Logical Fallacies
Skeptics Dictionary. Looks highly skeptopathic

Skeptic Magazine
Other Skeptical Resources on the Net
What's New @ IUFOG
The Alberta UFO Research Association AUFORA

Some Interesting Sites

Visit the World of Escher, a fascinating educationally based site that explores the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher's unique and often impossible work. From an early age, Escher was fascinated by repetition and infinite patterns. He explored with great enthusiasm the regular division of the plane in his tessellation or symmetry drawings linking math and art. Impossible buildings, spatial illusions, perspective drawings, woodcuts, and lithographs have fascinated young and old for more than half a century.
Internet Database Movie Search
Visit the Hemporium. For some odd reason our goverment chooses to outlaw a plant which could strengthen our economy and ecology.

Reference Materials

Britannica Online
Webster Dictionary
Computing Dictionary
Area Code Lookup
City.Net World Map

Computer Gaming Resources

Game Head
Doug's Myst Page
Games Domain
Yahoo Games page
Game Reviews
Just Another Duke Nukem Page

Michael Fullerton /
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