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Who am I?

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Where am I?

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Where do I work?

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What do I do on the net?

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My obligatory list of links!

I've decided not to list a bunch of lame sites...I figger you can find those on your own. My links are gonna be interspersed throughout my pages so that you are gonna have to be patient and look for the info. beep2.gif - 3.2 K

About these pages....

I made these pages to please myself. The intention was to keep graphics to a minimum ... but somehow I don't believe that it will be possible. I hope you can find some amusement or information as you browse through them. Some of the links will lead you to other pages I have written and some will take you out to the big bad net. I make no claims of responsibility as to where you go or where you end up. Have fun...and remember. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!!


In order to improve my web pages I would sincerely (read..I'm begging) like you to fill out my feedback form and mail it to me.
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To contact me:

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