Treasure Chest Project

The Reclassification Project of comp.sys.apple2
(Commercial to FreeWare/ShareWare or Public Domain)

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Disclamer :

All files provided are not the responsiblity of the author of this web page. These are links to the FTP sites that provide the files. As much as possible, reclassification confirmations are sought before they are put up in this page, and information provided are correct at the best of my knowledge and research. A copy of the confirmation is also linked at each entry.

Each entry also provides a link to download the file at an FTP site where avaliable, the author and/or publisher, the person(s) credited to the contribution that brought about the reclassification, and a short description of the software.

FreeWare and ShareWare titles are copyrighted by their respective owners and/or publishers. Please pay for ShareWare titles you choose to kept and use as specified in the documentation files accompanying them. Public Domain files have all their rights waived.

Apple II Forever !!!

Apple II Series : 39 / Apple IIGS : 5

Apple II series (pre-GS)

Apple IIGS

[Apple Technology at Work !]

You are visitor to the Treasure Chest Project since 24th March 1997.

Last Updated : 11 September 1997 01:45 AEST

[E-mail] :Willie Yeo : [Viewable on a real Apple II]