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Gateway 2000
Announces ISO 9002 Certification

As of August 2, 1995, Gateway 2000's desktop and portable computer manufacturing headquarters in North Sioux City, South Dakota has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9002/ANSI/ASQC Q9002. The ISO 9002 certificate insures our company's compliance to standard requirements for quality assurance.

Gateway's ISO 9002 certificate was issued by International Certification Services, Inc. (SGS) which is accredited by the ANSI-RAB (American National Standards Institute-Registrations Accreditation Board). The RAB certificate number is US95/0251.

"ISO 9000 provides a foundation for continuous improvement through consistent procedures, regular internal audits and corrective action plans." said John d'Auguste, vice president of manufacturing. "Gateway 2000 implemented the ISO 9002-based manufacturing management system to improve internal manufacturing processes and to insure consistent quality within our entire manufacturing facility."

Gateway's ISO 9002 certification applies to its entire manufacturing division in North Sioux City, including its production, quality, shipping, inventory, scheduling, transportation, portables operations, and purchasing departments.

"We recognized ISO as an opportunity to add more value to Gateway's PCs," said Bill Shea vice president of corporate sales. "Many of our corporate customers are required to purchase PCs built under an ISO 9002 certified system, so we are very pleased to announce this certification to meet their needs and to maintain our strong customer satisfaction and loyalty.

"A recent survey conducted by Computer Intelligence InfoCorp (CII) reinforces this commitment to our customers and their loyalty to us. The study found that among the Intel/Windows PC manufacturers, Gateway 2000 was the clear-cut winner in repeat purchases or brand loyalty ratings during 1994. More than 82 percent of those purchasing Gateway 2000 PCs indicated that they would purchase a Gateway again and strong customer loyalty was evident across all user segments--the home, self-employed, and business environments."


Gateway 2000 is approved as a Novell Certification Alliance partner

As of June 28, 1994, Gateway 2000 is a Novell� Certification Alliance partner. We now test and certify our own computers for compatibility with NetWare� products according to stringent criteria established by Novell.

"We know that NetWare compatibility is a major factor our corporate customers consider," said Ted Waitt, chairman and CEO of Gateway 2000. "We've had an excellent record of NetWare compatibility before. Now, we have the ability to test and certify our own products right in our factory. That means we can certify new products sooner, save money by doing the testing ourselves, and continue to give our customers the best values in the PC market."

The NetWare test program designed by Novell includes low level tests, command line tests, and GUI and menu utilities tests. The fourth level is stress testing, which submits the products to real world networking and disk intensive tasks.

"Our NetWare testing uses off-the-shelf software and hardware to insure compatibility with just about any popular network adapter or peripheral you can name," explained Waitt, "so customers can be certain their Gateway systems will function properly in a NetWare environment."

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