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Friday, October 31, 1997

ER Guides for Kids and Parents: See Dick Build A Web Site

By John Frazer Dobson
Computer Shopper

A few primers on using computers, buying software, and setting up a Web site may be just what your child needs.

The children of this decade (more)

University Strikes Back at Web-Based Term Paper Merchants

By Maria Seminerio

College students have long been able to buy pre-written term papers from anyone resourceful enough to advertise their services on student union bulletin boards or in other undergraduate hangouts. But the proliferation of online term-paper mills, which some allege make it even easier for students to cheat, angered (more)

New Tax Break for PC Donations to Schools

By Will Workman
Computer Shopper

Educators Concerned About Old Equipment, Lack of Training

In a legislative move designed to spur donations of computer systems to neighborhood (more)

Life after Apple -
By Lisa M. Bowman

Apple Computer Inc. killed (more)

Beyond Secrets and Lies -
By Deborah Branscum

Despite some bad (more)

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