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Friday, October 31, 1997

Problem? What Problem?

By Maria Seminerio

American workers, if you believe the researchers, are finding a whole new way to slack off: surfing for smut.

A study of 185 companies conducted between November 1996 and this month by (more)

Financial Web Sites Go Bust

By Maria Seminerio

As if investors needed another reason to reach for the aspirin, many of the most popular stock trading Web sites and online financial information resources have suffered traffic-related meltdowns.

The problems, which cropped up during Monday's market crash, still lingered Tuesday morning.

Servers were down (more)

New York's Silicon Alley Continues To Grow

Randy Whitestone
Inter@ctive Week Online

It's still tiny in comparison with venerable Silicon Valley, but New York's new media industry has passed the 100,000-employee mark, nearly half again as (more)

PointCast Names David Dorman CEO -
Lisa M. Bowman

PointCast Inc. landed Pacific (more)

101 Uses for a Dead Network Computer -
By Jim Louderback
PC Week Online

It looks like the NC, (more)

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