
BACKDROPS       100 752X480 image backdrops
EFFECTS         35 still images for clipping, compositing, and projecting
MOVING          25 image sequences for clipping, compositing, and projecting
        AQUAREF -Looping sequence of ambient reflections from water
        BURST   -Bursting flame
        CIGAR   -Looping sequence of cigar type smoke
        DEBRIS  -debris clip map
        ELECTRIC-Looping sequence of small electrical charge
        EXPLODE -0 gravity explosion
        FANSHADO-Looping sequence of ceiling fan shadow
        FLAK    -anti-aircraft flak burst
        FLAMES  -Looping sequence of campfire
        GUNFLASH-Looping sequence of burst from machine gun fire
        HOLOVID -Looping sequence of video noise
        LASERRIP-ripping clip map, as if struck by laser
        LIGHTNIN-a strike of lightning
        LIQUID  -Looping sequence of undulating liquid
        MGUN    -bullet hole sequence clip map with bumps
        MOVNSHDO-Looping sequence of miscellaneous moving shadow
        PLASMA  -Looping sequence of plasma ball or deflector shield
        POP     -small explosion
        RAINDROP-Looping sequence of rain striking puddles and ground
        SHOCKWAV-shock wave from explosion
        SMOKE   -Looping sequence of smoke raising
        STEAM   -Looping sequence of steam
        TBIT    -Looping sequence of technical type readout
        TERMNATR-Looping sequence of cyborg tracking readout
        VOLUME  -Looping sequence of reacting volume meters
SCAPES          20 cloud and land scapes
TILABLE         4 catagories of tilable texures
        MATERIAL-130 bricks, stones, patterns, cloths, and similar
        ORGANIC -60 skins, scales, furs, and vegetation
        SCUFF   -80 panels, rust, dirt, cammoflage, and insignias
        TRIM    -50 trimming, clipping, and texturing patterns


BACKGRND        -35 repeating backgrounds for web sites
BARS            -25 dividing bars for web sites
BULLETS         -26 bullet markers for web sites
BUTTONS         -40 buttons for web sites and multimedia
PANELS          -20 control panels for web sites and multimedia


MASK    -mask                   -unique to Plaid Companion
FEMBUST -female bust            -unique to Plaid Companion
BUST    -carved bust            -unique to Plaid Companion
TYRELLCO-room interior          -unique to Plaid Companion
EASEL   -easel                  -unique to Plaid Companion
PAINTING-painting               -unique to Plaid Companion
PNTBRUSH-paintbrush             -unique to Plaid Companion
PALETTE -artist's palette       -unique to Plaid Companion
PENCIL  -no.2 pencil            -unique to Plaid Companion
CUP     -cup                    -unique to Plaid Companion
CHISEL  -chisel                 -unique to Plaid Companion
MALLET  -mallet                 -unique to Plaid Companion
MONITOR -video monitor          -unique to Plaid Companion
RELAY23 -relay 23 satelite      -unique to Plaid Companion
TVDISH  -tv dish receiver       -unique to Plaid Companion

ALCOA   -Alcoa Bldg             -from the Universal 3DCD
EMPIRESB-Empire State Bldg      -from the Universal 3DCD
FIREENG -fire engine            -from the Universal 3DCD
CORVETTE-corvette               -from the Universal 3DCD
WRANGLER-Wrangler Jeep          -from the Universal 3DCD
TRFCLITE-traffic lite           -from the Universal 3DCD
BILLBRD -billboard              -from the Universal 3DCD
SCREEN  -dividing screen        -from the Universal 3DCD
DINRTBLE-diner table            -from the Universal 3DCD
CHAIR2A -chair                  -from the Universal 3DCD
MRCAFE  -coffee maker           -from the Universal 3DCD
LAVALAMP-lava lamp              -from the Universal 3DCD
LUNCHBOX-lunch box              -from the Universal 3DCD
UFO     -ufo                    -from the Universal 3DCD
V       -flying V guitar        -from the Universal 3DCD

STUKA   -Stuka ju87b            -from the Digital Museum
STNHENGE-StoneHenge             -from the Digital Museum
SAXOPHON-Saxophone              -from the Digital Museum
FILMSTRP-film strip             -from the Digital Museum
PENGUIN -penguin                -from the Digital Museum
POLARBR -polar bear             -from the Digital Museum
SALMON  -salmon                 -from the Digital Museum
ELEPHANT-elephant               -from the Digital Museum
LIZARD  -lizard                 -from the Digital Museum
ALIEN   -alien                  -from the Digital Museum