My qualifications

I have studied three years at Trondheim ingenioerhoegskole and 2.5 years at NTH.

Subjects from Trodheim ingenioerhoegskole (TIH):

Subjects from NTH (1993-1995):

My diploma thesis:

Title: Conflict HAndling Tool-kit.
The main focus of my diploma thesis was to create GUI-support for cooperative work in a Configuration Management system. Important issues was handling communications between project members, handling update conflict between two or more project members and other support for cooperative work.

Current work

I am now working for SINTEF as a researcher (started 01.01.96). My main focus is Configuration Management and Process Modeling, re-engineering of lecasy systems, distributed cooperation support, but I have also spent some time programming/studying object-oriented databases, object-oriented programming/design, GUI, Java, CGI and general WWW. For more detailed information take a look here !.

Do you have any questions, please email me!

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Last modified: Thu Nov 7 09:27:20 MET 1996