A picture of my self
Name:Alf Inge Wang
Position:Reseacher for SU-group
Phone:+47 73 59 44 85
Fax:+47 73 59 44 66
Home:+47 73 53 39 69
Office address: IDI, NTNU, O.S.Bragstads plass 2F, 7034 Trondheim, Norway
Work interests: CM,PM,GUI,C/S,RE,OO and DB
Home address:Tyholtv. 40, 7015 Trondheim, Norway
Hobbies:Music(keyboard, gitar, bass) & Amiga Computing
Family:Married to Inger Synnøve and father to Stine Johanne

Hobbies & personal stuff

Amiga stuff

My qualifications


The CAGIS project

Useful links

Work projects

Funny stuff

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