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 File Name:      CLIPWARN.ARJ
 Other Names:

 File Size:      13,316 bytes
 File Contents:
                 CLIPWARN.DOC       5497
                 CLIPWARN.EXE      15047
                 CLIPWARN.C         5866

 This .EXE file is offering to solve one problematic moment in Clipper
 compiler. Any WARNING produced during compiling are ignored from point of
 view NON GENERATING any errorlevel when ending CLIPPER.EXE. For someone who
 is using for example /W switch is very difficult to trap out some WARNINGS
 about variables (mostly wrong names) in RMAKE files.
 Offered solution is, that all CLIPPER.EXE calls will be replaced with call
 to CLIPWARN.EXE with exactly the same parameters as for CLIPPER.EXE.
 CLIPWARN will pass parameters to CLIPPER.EXE and on way back will supply
 all WARNINGS (if they were) as ERRORLEVEL number 2.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson