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 File Name:      CL5104.ARJ
 Other Names:

 Well know, JO FRENCH (Compuserve, otherwise Canadian), un official report
 of discovered anomalies (we all know already, that they are not bugs, they
 are just anomalies..) in Clipper 5.01. Serie of closely named files is
 available for CLipper 5.0 and was growing every week. This is only third
 (and latest now) version of the same for Clipper 5.01 and is very small.
 Real bugs (big ones) are still far away with comparation to 5.0 version.

 Two files inside, one with .NG extension is popular norton guide database
 file, second is just text version of the same file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson