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Number 159
November 10, l986.
Title:  The NetWare SYSCHECK Utility

Many networking problems are related to cabling and boards.  These problems
can be located and solved before bringing up the network.

The NetWare SYSCHECK utility is a diagnostic "SYStem CHECK" used to
determine proper cabling of a network's workstations.  This utility tests
for proper communications among the various workstation and file server
network communication boards in a given network.  It tests only the
communications made to a single network, however, and does not cross
bridges.  SYSCHECK can be run as soon as you have finished the installation
of the physical hardware, except for the S-NET; the network does not need to
be up and running. Preparations to run SYSCHECK, as well as complete
instructions, are found in Chapter 3 of the NetWare/86/286 Installation

We recommend that at least one working copy be made of the DIAGNOSTIC
diskette, (using the DOS DISKCOPY command), and that you use this working
copy and keep the original in a safe place to help preserve your
NetWare/68/86/286 software.

SYSCHECK normally tests only the network communication boards contained in
workstations, however it is possible to include the file server's network
boards in the test.  To do so, you will need to modify the hardware settings
on the file server network boards. (Detailed information on modification is
found in the NetWare/86/286 Installation Manual, Chapter 3.  After running
SYSCHECK, you will need to restore the file server's network board hardware
settings to those you configured for the operating system.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson